Modular Rails using Packwerk

Organizing Rails Apps with Packages

I have been interested in building Rails with much less accidental coupling. Until recently, Engines have been the best way to do that, but the setup effort is rather heavy (to integrate the migrations, tests, namespaces, …). In fact, heavy enough that most people do without modules.

Packwerk however, makes it easy to use modules and critcially migrate toward modules overtime. Packwerk allows you to organize into modules, without enforcing boundaries - until you are ready to fully refactor and disentagle your code.


Packwerk its self is a simple gem install. Crucially, Packwerk has a companion tool graphwerk to visualize your modules and their dependencies. We will install and demostrate both.


In oder to use graphwerk you must have graphviz installed:

brew install graphviz

does the trick on MacOS

You will also need to use at least Ruby 2.6+ and Rails 6.0+ with Zeitwerk as the loader (which is the default for new Projects).

Install Packwerk

This will be a very simple projects (too simple to need modules), but that also makes the examples easier to grock.

We will start with a fresh rails projects to keep the complexity low and make it straight-forward to follow along before using in your own established projects.

rails new packwerk --javascript=esbuild --css=tailwind
cd packwerk
bin/rails db:create

Now add the packwerk and graphwerk gems to ./Gemfile

# Gemfile
# Packwerk (modular Rails) - dependency tooling and mapping
gem "packwerk", "~> 2.2"
gem 'graphwerk', group: %i[development test]

of course normally, I would install rspec and a slew of other tools, but the focus here is simply the usage of Packwerk and its associated tools.

Now of course we need to finalize the install and config:

bundle install
# make it easy to
bundle binstub packwerk
# create intial packwerk config files
bin/packwerk init

now we should see a file ./packwerk.yml with all the configs commented out.

# packwerk.yml

# See: Setting up the configuration file

# List of patterns for folder paths to include
# include:
# - "**/*.{rb,rake,erb}"

# List of patterns for folder paths to exclude
# exclude:
# - "{bin,node_modules,script,tmp,vendor}/**/*"

# Patterns to find package configuration files
# package_paths: "**/"

# List of custom associations, if any
# custom_associations:
# - "cache_belongs_to"

# Whether or not you want the cache enabled (disabled by default)
# cache: true

# Where you want the cache to be stored (default below)
# cache_directory: 'tmp/cache/packwerk'

We will update the configs as we progress.

Now lets be sure dependency visualization tool works:

bin/rails graphwerk:update

Now we should see an intial dependency map named ./packwerk.png looking like:

Intial Structure

Configure Packages

First, we need a location to place your packages - let’s make a folder:

mkdir app/packages

Now Tell rails how to find & load the code in your packages (remember this is dependent on Zeitwerk) config.paths.add 'app/packages', glob: '*/{*,*/concerns}', eager_load: true to config/application.rb. Now it will look something like:

# config/application.rb
module RailsPack
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # config packages fur packwerk
    config.paths.add 'app/packages', glob: '*/{*,*/concerns}', eager_load: true

Finally, let the controllers know how to find the views within packages app/controllers/application_controller.rb to:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

Using Packwerk

Package Structure

Let’s assume we are buildig a manageable blog app for multiple users.

Let’s decide what packages (Domains) needed (there are several options depending on archichture and other fixed needs) but that istn’t the focus here.

  • published - publicly available, landing page and access to completed blog artciles
  • compose - where authors compse and manage their blog articles
  • manage - manage site admins manager users, and possibly moderate blog articles
  • core - aspects of code common to all (multiple) aspects of the code basis

The focus of this article is on impletementing packages according to the architectural design.

We will put our packages in a folder called app/packages with:

mkdir app/packages

We can add our proposed packages with:

mkdir app/packages/marketing
mkdir app/packages/published
mkdir app/packages/compose
mkdir app/packages/manage
mkdir app/packages/core

An important aspect of a package is the packages.yml file so we will need one in EACH pagage! we can do this by using the one in the rails core as a template

cp package.yml app/packages/marketing/package.yml
cp package.yml app/packages/published/package.yml
cp package.yml app/packages/compose/package.yml
cp package.yml app/packages/manage/package.yml
cp package.yml app/packages/core/package.yml

IDEALLY, by looking within app/packages the next person will have a decent idea about what the code does and what happens where.

Marketing Package

Lets generate a landing page:

bin/rails g controller landing index --no-helper

now lets update the routes with:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get '/landing', to: 'landing#index'
  root 'landing#index' # root path route ("/")

lets see that this worked: bin/rails start and go to:

  • http://localhost:3000
  • http://localhost:3000/landing

you should see the landing page.

Now lets move this to the marketing package. To do this we will recreate the code structure in the package and then copy the code into the markiting package.

Creating the package structure:

mkdir app/packages/marketing/public
mkdir app/packages/marketing/controllers
mkdir -p app/packages/marketing/views/landings
# if you created a helper file then also:
mkdir app/packages/marketing/helpers

now we can copy the code:

mv app/controllers/landing_controller.rb app/packages/marketing/controllers/.
mv app/views/landings app/packages/marketing/views/landings
# if helper created
mv app/helpers/landing_helper.rb app/packages/marketing/helpers/.

Finally, lets configure the package in the file app/packages/marketing/package.yml - we will use the simplest possible config.

# app/packages/marketing/package.yml
# Turn on dependency checks for this package
enforce_dependencies: true

# Turn on privacy checks for this package
enforce_privacy: true

# this allows you to modify what your package's public path is within the package
# code that this package publicly shares with other packages
# public_path: public/

# A list of this package's dependencies
# Note that packages in this list require their own `package.yml` file
# '.' - we are dependent on the root application
- '.'

if you get the error:

LandingController#index is missing a template for request formats: text/html

check that app/controllers/application_controller.rb looks like

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

if you get the error uninitialized constant LandingController

check that config/application.rb has the following code:

module Packwerk
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version.
    config.load_defaults 7.0
    # load the packages
    config.paths.add 'app/packages', glob: '*/{*,*/concerns}', eager_load: true

If you forgot this config - you will need to restart rails!

Now that the code works, lets generate a new diagram of our app using:

bin/rails graphwerk:update

if your graph looks the same as before, check that app/packages/marketing/packages.yml is there and configured.

If all is well the new graph in packwerk.png will look like:

Marketing Structure

Now that the package is recognized, lets if packwerk finds any problems

bin/packwerk check

Ideally, packwerk finds no problems and we get:

No offenses detected
No stale violations detected

Manage Package

Let’s generate the user management code:

bin/rails g scaffold user full_name email --no-helper
bin/rails db:migrate

As you can see this generate a log more code. Models, Controllers, views, etc. This also generates code that is used for different purposes.

Let’s test that this works and consider the code implications.

We should be able to go to localhost:3000/users and create and view new users (much like a manager will need to do to manage users). The user model itself will need to be available within the composition area to associati with an article.

Now that we want to setup the manage package where admins can manage users. To do this let’s start by creating a routing scope in the routes file config/routes.rb by changeing resources :users to:

# config/routes.rb
  scope 'manage' do
    resources :users

lets first be sure we can now access users with: localhost:3000/manage/users

lets now make our new manage package structure:

mkdir app/packages/manage
mkdir app/packages/manage/controller
mkdir app/packages/manage/public
mkdir app/packages/manage/views

and add the appropriate files:

cp package.yml app/packages/manage/package.yml
mv app/controllers/users_controller.rb app/packages/manage/controller/users_controller.rb
mv app/packages/manage/views/users app/packages/manage/views/users

Let’s be sure things still work by going to: localhost:3000/manage/users

Let’s check that the dependencies look like we expect:

bin/rails graphwerk:update

and hopefully we see:

Manage Package

now let’s check for violations using: bin/packwerk check and hopefully we see:

No offenses detected
No stale violations detected

Core Package

Lets decide what all aspects of the ‘blog’ application will be central to blog composition and site management

To start we will need to allow users to login and manage their own articles - however the site admins will need to be able to block and otherwise manage users as needed. Thus users are a good canditate for the core package.

Lets see how we can do this.

bin/rails g scaffold user full_name email --no-helper
bin/rails db:migrate

As you can see this generate a log more code. Models, Controllers, views, etc. This also generates code that is used for different purposes.

Let’s test that this works and consider the code implications.

We should be able to go to localhost:3000/users and create and view new users (much like a manager will need to do to manage users). The user model itself will need to be available within the composition area to associati with an article.

Thus it seems like users might be appropriate in the core package and the controller and view belong in the manage package.

To do this lets move the user model into the core package.

mkdir -p app/packages/core
mkdir -p app/packages/core/public
mkdir -p app/packages/core/models
touch app/packages/core/package.yml
mv app/models/user.rb app/packages/core/models/user.rb

Lets use the same very basic package.yml as before (enforcement and dependent on the rails infrastructure):

# Turn on dependency checks for this package
enforce_dependencies: true

# Turn on privacy checks for this package
enforce_privacy: true

# this allows you to modify what your package's public path is within the package
public_path: public/

# A list of this package's dependencies
# Note that packages in this list require their own `package.yml` file
- '.'

Let’s see if the code still works like before.

Let’s be sure our dependency map is now updated

bin/rails graphwerk:update

and we should see:

Core Package

You will see that everything still relies on application (the rails framework). Some people will move that into a package too, but we know we are using rails and are dependent upon it, so I don’t see any reason to package rails. (in my mind it may not be necessary to show that we are dependent upon rails, but whatever)

Now finally, let’s check our enforcement with:

bin/packwerk check

oops - now we have multiple dependency and privacy violations:

Dependency violation: ::User belongs to 'app/packages/core', but 'app/packages/manage' does not specify a dependency on 'app/packages/core'.
Are we missing an abstraction?
Is the code making the reference, and the referenced constant, in the right packages?

Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/public/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Dependency violation: ::User belongs to 'app/packages/core', but 'app/packages/manage' does not specify a dependency on 'app/packages/core'.
Are we missing an abstraction?
Is the code making the reference, and the referenced constant, in the right packages?

Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/public/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Dependency violation: ::User belongs to 'app/packages/core', but 'app/packages/manage' does not specify a dependency on 'app/packages/core'.
Are we missing an abstraction?
Is the code making the reference, and the referenced constant, in the right packages?

Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/public/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Dependency violation: ::User belongs to 'app/packages/core', but 'app/packages/manage' does not specify a dependency on 'app/packages/core'.
Are we missing an abstraction?
Is the code making the reference, and the referenced constant, in the right packages?

Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/public/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

These messages state that we need to declare our dependency on core within manage, we can do this by adding 'app/packages/core' into the app/packages/manage/package.yml so that it would now look like:

# Turn on dependency checks for this package
enforce_dependencies: true

# Turn on privacy checks for this package
enforce_privacy: true

# this allows you to modify what your package's public path is within the package
public_path: public/

# A list of this package's dependencies
# Note that packages in this list require their own `package.yml` file
- '.'
- 'app/packages/core'

Now that we have declared our dependencies, let’s see if all is well now:

bin/packwerk check

oops now we have a privacy violation:

Privacy violation: '::User' is private to 'app/packages/core' but referenced from 'app/packages/manage'.
Is there a public entrypoint in 'app/packages/core/public/' that you can use instead?
Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/models/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Privacy violation: '::User' is private to 'app/packages/core' but referenced from 'app/packages/manage'.
Is there a public entrypoint in 'app/packages/core/public/' that you can use instead?
Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/models/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Privacy violation: '::User' is private to 'app/packages/core' but referenced from 'app/packages/manage'.
Is there a public entrypoint in 'app/packages/core/public/' that you can use instead?
Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/models/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

Privacy violation: '::User' is private to 'app/packages/core' but referenced from 'app/packages/manage'.
Is there a public entrypoint in 'app/packages/core/public/' that you can use instead?
Inference details: this is a reference to ::User which seems to be defined in app/packages/core/models/user.rb.
To receive help interpreting or resolving this error message, see:

So lets follow the suggestion and put user into core’s public folder: ``bash mkdir app/packages/core/public mv app/packages/core/models/users.rb app/packages/core/public/users.rb

Now when we check again

`bin/packwerk check`

Now we finally get a clean report:
No offenses detected
No stale violations detected

Cool, let’s run our tests again and be sure all is still working!

Author Package

Let’s now make a space for authors to work with their articles

bin/rails g scaffold post content user:references --no-helper

lets give authors a scope - in config/routes.rb replace resources :posts with:

# config/routes.rb
  scope 'author' do
    resources :posts

Now lets setup the author package.

mkdir -p app/packages/author
mkdir -p app/packages/author/public
mkdir -p app/packages/author/models
touch app/packages/author/package.yml
mkdir -p app/packages/author/controllers
mv app/views/posts app/packages/author/views/posts
mv app/models/blog.rb app/packages/core/public/blog.rb
cp app/controllers/posts_controller.rb app/packages/author/controllers/posts_controller.rb

Lets make app/packages/author/package.yml the same as app/packages/manage/package.yml

# Turn on dependency checks for this package
enforce_dependencies: true

# Turn on privacy checks for this package
enforce_privacy: true

# this allows you to modify what your package's public path is within the package
public_path: public/

# A list of this package's dependencies
# Note that packages in this list require their own `package.yml` file
- '.'
- 'app/packages/core'

lets now check the dependency graph

bin/rails graphwerk:update

Author Package

Lets check dependencies:

bin/packwerk check

We are now good to go

No offenses detected
No stale violations detected

Rails Package

Now lets clean things up and put rails into a package:

Rails Package


Hanami 2.x will use a structure like Packwerk and is built on dry-rb, which also has many intresting features and useful patterns. When Hanami 2.x is released, a similar dependency checker like packwerk would be valuable.

Currently with Rails one can achieve most of what Hanami 2.x framework offers with Packwerk and dry-rails.




For on organizing Ruby code via packages / modules

Hanami 2.x

  • Hanami 2.x Code
  • Hanami 2.x Blog - currently Hanami 2.0 is in Beta and is targeted for API usage (if you are willing to assemble all the parts Hanami 2.0 will also offers front-end services), Hanami 2.1 will be focused on delivering a fully integrated full stack.
  • dry-rb code
  • dry-rb Website
  • rom-rb code
  • rom-rb website - speed focus alternative to Rail’s ActiveRecord. While many ORMs focus on objects and state tracking, ROM focuses on data and transformations (a bit like Elixir’s Ecto). This project is heavily influenced by
  • Hanami Mastery - tutorials about dry-rb gems and Hanami 2.x concepts in order to help people coming from Rails to understand and use Hanami 2.x effectively.

Modular Rails using Packwerk

Modular Rails using Engines

Bill Tihen
Bill Tihen
Developer, Data Enthusiast, Educator and Nature’s Friend

very curious – known to explore knownledge and nature