Rails 6.1 - Hotwire with StimulusJS

A simple Rails App that works off one page using flash messages


Hotwire only updates dom_ids (usually only within a partial) - so other Frontend needs still need to be met with Javascript. Rails uses StimulusJS to augment Hotwire. I Using Hotwire with Flash Messages we created a new instance of Tweet in the turbo_template and sent that to the form. (Pretty non-standard) - we can do this even more simply by using JS to clear the form without instantiating a new object.

Basic Setup

Start with the code at the end of: Using Hotwire with Flash Messages

StimulusJS to clear forms

To enable Flash Messages our create/controller looked like - which seems a little messy - in create (happy-path) we handle all the updates via the create.turbo_stream.erb template and with validation errors we explicity (in the controller - handle the validation errors)

So lets start by disabling the code we no longer need in the template:

# app/views/tweets/create.turbo_stream.erb
<%# turbo_stream.replace "tweet-form", partial: "tweets/form", locals: { tweet: Tweet.new } %>
<%# to send a message to the notice partial %>
<%= turbo_stream.append "notice", partial: "shared/notice", locals: {notice: "Tweet was successfully created."} %>

So we are only leaving the turbo_stream.append active.

Let’s test here and be sure the new form doesn’t clear after making a new tweet.

Add a StimulusJS controller

We don’t need to add / install or configure StimulusJS since Hotwire already handles this.

So let’s create the JS file to clear the form - its quite simple we will just use:

// app/javascript/controllers/reset_form_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  reset() {

In order to tie this to the form we need to go into the form and add the data: info – so now our form should start with:

# app/views/tweets/_form.html.erb
<%= form_with(model: tweet, id: dom_id(tweet),
              data: {controller: "reset-form", action: "turbo:submit-end->reset-form#reset"}
            ) do |form| %>

This data tag ties the stimulus controller reset_form_controller.js with the reset-form setting – notice the html uses a - when ruby uses _. On the form action submit-end then execute (’->’) in the controller reset-form the function (’#’) reset

Fairly straight-forward, but it helps to be aware of the syntax and the differences between Ruby and Javascript.


The repo where you can find this code in the branch: https://github.com/btihen/ruby_kafi_hotwire_tweets/commits/hotwire_with_stimulus

Bill Tihen
Bill Tihen
Developer, Data Enthusiast, Educator and Nature’s Friend

very curious – known to explore knownledge and nature